Transform Your Life with Psychosynthesis


What is psychosynthesis?

Psychosynthesis is a framework that has been applied to psychotherapy, counselling, education, business, and life coaching. It provides several models for your inner world and has a strong focus on purpose, finding balance, and overcoming obstacles in your life.

Why Psychosynthesis?

  • Unlock your potential: Discover purpose and find your inner strengths.
  • Find balance and harmony: Connect with your core and balance your diverse inner parts.
  • Navigate life challenges: Gain tools to overcome changes in your life and build resilience and adaptability.

How Psychosynthesis Can Transform You

Psychosynthesis goes beyond overcoming challenges and takes you on a journey to your true self.

  • Self-Discovery: Learn to recognize, understand, and reconcile the various parts of yourself.
  • Will Development: Strengthen your will to make conscious, empowering choices.
  • Purpose and Meaning: Align your daily life with your deeper purpose, giving you a sense of meaning.

Graeme’s Approach to Psychosynthesis

My emphasis is on empowering you to take control of your own life. Whether you want to discover your purpose or work through specific obstacles, I will tailor the approach to fit your unique path of personal growth. I can help you as a:

  • Life coach: I can help you to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.
  • Teacher: In small groups or as an individual, I can teach you in the basics of psychosynthesis for personal growth.
  • Guide: I can guide you in more traditional Psychosynthesis sessions to experience aspects of your personality and work towards self-growth and inner harmony.

A Transpersonal Psychology

Psychosynthesis, one of the earliest forerunners of humanistic psychology and transpersonal psychology, was developed by Roberto Assagioli, an Italian doctor who studied psychoanalyst under Sigmund Freud. Assagioli saw a need for a system that aids the process of personal growth (self-actualization), as well as transpersonal development (for example, peak experiences, inspired creativity, spiritual insight, and unitive states of consciousness). As a type of transpersonal psychology, it can be useful for those working to integrate psychedelic experiences.

“Psychosynthesis is a method of psychological development and self-realization for those who refuse to remain the slave of their own inner phantasms or of external influences, who refuse to submit passively to the play of psychological forces which is going on within them, and who are determined to become the master of their own lives.”

Roberto Assagioli — Psychosynthesis: A Collection of Basic Writings

Ready to Transform Your Life?

Take the first step towards personal fulfillment. Contact Graeme to discover how psychosynthesis can help you discover yourself and find purpose. Use the form or contact me by:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 📱 +64 21 110 8096